wedding vow.nya keren :')

tadi baca ini di blognya mbak fala . keren banget sampe kepikiran buat reblog.  pengen segera aja bikin kayak ginian. hahahah 

Our Promises"

A year ago, June 6th 2013 would be just another predictable day for us. Emergency room will still be hectic and babies will born like they're flowers blooming in spring, medical students will always be sleepy - for whole day arguably, and some couples will be getting married. Some others, not us.

Well, who knows Allah's plan? Time flies, life works in her miracullous way and voila here we are awaiting greatest day, previously 'another-predictable-day' in case you forgot. The day we'll enounce our holy vow in His holy name.

So in utter humbleness we ask your kindness to pray for us, so we can always fulfil our promise to trust and respect each other, as a best colleague, best friend and best lover, to never bed with unsettled problems, to comfort each other in merry or sorrow, to respect our hobbies, weird habits, favorite music or food, and most of all to support each other and all of our dreams.

Wind shall not always be at our stern and neither does current, but no matter what may come, we promise to love each other.

That includes when Manchester United don't win anything in a season or even when Radiohead decides never to come to Indonesia...

-Fala & Juno


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