re-blog falla adinda's blog

timeline hari ini seru . . tentang apa alasan Anda mencintai pasangan anda ? meruntuhkan semua mitos bahwa mencintai itu tidak butuh alasan . . Here's some answer from my following . .

Call me selfish, but I love you because I don't know how to live without loving you. #ReasonToLove | via @fatimaalkaf

Never ask someone why do they love you because love can give you new reason to love everyday. #reasontolove | via @Pram96

I love him because I know I'm loved #reasontolove | via @Yazzneet

he makes my days. Everyday. #reasontolove | via @EkaOtto

You can't love someone without any reasons... Go get your own#reasontolove. | via @ikawdy

I love him because it's always been like that since 16 years ago. And will always be like that for all years ahead..#reasontolove | via @sitinayya

i can live without you, but i am far happier with you #reasontolove | via @aninditaanggi

I love you because I can't find the way not to love you. #reasontolove | via @adistyaa

Why do i love? Because i can. Because i want to. Because i need to.#reasontolove | via @galuhharjani

#ReasonToLove he loves me in every way I could only dream of til he comes into my life | via @bijuk

#reasontolove how you hold my hands while crossing the roads | via @ameiwang

#reasontolove he pays for my bill... | via @propto (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

#reasontolove i am like being called by your heart. seems God guide me to your heart. - someone told me this once | via @diralarasati

#ReasonToLove the most important is, i love him and he loves me too :,) build our dream together | via @ditaprimm

my reason why i love him ? cos he has no reason to loving me . . he stay even he has lot of reason for leaving . . #ReasonToLove | via @falla_adinda


#ReasonToLove him cos he is one of my reason to survive until now! survive from my bad life. and i wanna be his future. | via @pipidpipoiy


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